rodrigo Novoa
What is your coaching experience?
- SPSC – Norski Union Boys U14 Classic Head Coach (Fall 2021)
- Oregon Soccer Club Girls U13 Head Coach (Spring 2022)
- Sun Prairie Soccer Club Boys U14 Premier Head Coach (Fall 2022)
- Oregon Soccer Club Girls U15 Head Coach (Spring 2023)
- Sun Prairie East High School Boys JV Coach (2021-2022)
- Sun Prairie East High School Boys Varsity Assistant Coach (2022-Current)
- Oregon High School Girls JV Coach (2021-2022)
- Oregon High School Girls Varsity Assistant Coach (2022-Current)
Coaching Education:
- USSF C License
- NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching
- ASEP Coaching Principles
- 3D Coaching Certificate
- M.S. Sport Coaching and Leadership – Michigan State University (2021-Current).
- B.A. Psychology (Concentration in Health Psychology) – George Mason University (2016-2019)
What is your coaching philosophy?
Use a holistic approach to coaching by creating an engaging and safe environment where players can learn about
the game, develop individual soccer skills, and build character through meaningful experiences .